Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New WhippingDudes Video Almost Ready

Our third video was filmed this past weekend!  We will upload it to YouTube on Saturday, January 1 and will post the URL on this blog as soon as it is available.  We are very excited to share this with you.  We bought some new editing software (that’s why it’s taking so long to edit—we have to learn the new system).  We be looking for feedback and constructive criticism, so let us know what you think of it.

We chose to make it a traditional (at least what you see in the movies as “traditional”) military punishment of two dozen lashes.  By viewer requests, we used the quirt to inflict them.  We hope you’ll enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.  Keep your eye on this blog for the URL on Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to it. I'm grateful that you take the time to do a good edit. Nothing turns me off faster than a vid with 2 minutes of "Are you recording yet? ... wait until I'm ready! ... OK, here goes" dialog at the start that should have been left on the cutting room floor, and YouTube is full of them. I appreciate a good scene, but I especially appreciate a good scene well-produced, well-filmed, and well-edited.
